Discover your Nature - News 2015
LIFE projects meeting
On the 1 and 2 October 2015 at the headquarters of the Kampinos National Park in Izabelin held a meeting beneficiaries implementing LIFE projects in Poland. The aim of the meeting was to exchange experiences between projects and good practices.
The event was attended by 20 beneficiaries implementing 23 projects. General Directorate for Environmental Protection was represented by members of the project team Discover your Nature and Agnieszka Zdanowska in / with the Director of the Department for Environmental Information.
"Discover your Nature" closing conference
EKo-movie laureate on Polish Television - TVP 1
From 17 to 31 August 2015 TVP1 will be broadcast movies of Natura 2000 Network. TVP1 will be presented movies awarded in the category of "Natura 2000" on the XIII National and IX International Ecology Films Festival named Maciej Łukowski Ekofilm 2014.
Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
The board of admissions for recruitment to the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network in the project Nationwide information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature" met on 30 June.
Assessed by the Commission subject to all seven forms.
Ex-post project evaluation
Public procurement- ex-post evaluation in project entitled.: National information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature" co-financed by the Financial Instrument LIFE + and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
More information can be found:
Active Family project
In Agrykola Park in Warsaw begins the second edition of Active Family. The honorary patronage over the project became General Director for Environmental Protection.
The campaign "Discover your Nature" got awarded
During a ceremony organized at the "Kamienica" Theatre in Warsaw announced the list of winners of the "Social Campaign of the Year 2014". In the category of environmental campaigns the "Discover your Nature"campaign was awarded.
Third place for spot campaign "Discover your Nature"
Spot promoting Natura 2000 areas established under the campaign "Discover your Nature" launched by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection was awarded in the Polish Advertising Competition KTR.
LIFE Information Day
The General Directorate for Environmental Protection take part in the LIFE Information Day, organized by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
20.03.2015 r.
LIFE Information Day
The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Managment arrange LIFE Information Day. On 14th April, a unique opportunity to get more information about LIFE. The conference will be devoted to projects financed by EU's financial instrument LIFE +.
More information can be found at .
Study visits
The project included five study visits for members of the Natural Working Groups. Relations with individual visits are available in the Natural Working Groups:
- Puszcza Białowieska
- Dolina Środkowej Noteci i Kanału Bydgoskiego
- Ostoje Nietoperzy Beskidu Wyspowego
- Przełom Wisły w Małopolsce
- Bieszczady