Discover your Nature - News 2013
We selected public tender contractor of 20/GDOŚ/2013 procurement. Contractor is responsible for preparatio and execution of "Discover your Nature" campaign.
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The third meeting of the Cooperation Forum for the Nature 2000 network
On 16th September was the third meeting of the Forum for Cooperation for the Natura 2000 network at the headquarters of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw.
General Directorate of Environmental Protection was represented by the Head of the Department of Projects and the National Network: "Partnership: Environment for Development" Agnieszka Zdanowska and project management team, including Coordinator Małgorzata Szalast-Piwińska and Project Specialist Dominika Sobieraj-Pilniewicz.
The meeting was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations already operating in the Forum, representatives of newly admitted to membership and with the Mediator and his team.
Meeting was opened by the Head of the Department of Projects and the National Network: "Partnership: Environment for Development" by giving participants the call to participate in the Forum for Cooperation for the Natura 2000 network. Then the Mediator presented a plan to appoint Natural Working Groups, scheduled tasks in the field of mediation, action plans in the field. In the course of the discussion Forum members referred to the planned activities in the regions, in areas where organizations operate, and presented the position of their involvement.
The meeting ended declaration of cooperation and commitment of the Forum members in the Natural Working Groups and ongoing mediation.
Pricing recogniotion
Pricing recognition to provide food and waiter service participants of the Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network meeting.
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Public procurement - supply of the information and promotion materials
Public procurement - supply of the information and promotion materials in project entitled.: National information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature" co-financed by the Financial Instrument LIFE + and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
More information can be found:
Discover your Nature and participate in the Photo contest!
General Directorate of Environmental Protection with Polish Nature Photographers Association invites you to participate in a Photo contest for the most beautiful area of Nature 2000 in Poland.
You can win up to 5.000 pln.
Nature 2000 network in Poland are covered nearly 1,000 areas known to be the most valuable in the whole of Europe. Find out where these extraordinary places are. Try to catch their beauty with the camera.
Photos can be submitted until 6 September 2013 at the e-mail address:
Photos should be in one of four categories:
1) Category I: "Man and Nature" - coexistence and interaction of man and nature in Nature 2000 areas, the incarnation of the idea of sustainable development, the importance of protecting
and natural wealth for future generations;
2) Category II: "Faces of Nature" - photographs of landscapes, landscapes, natural beauty and biodiversity in Nature 2000 areas;
3) Category III: "Beauty protected" - photographs of species of animals and birds protected under the Nature 2000 network;
4) Category IV: "Beauty of Nature" - photographs of the individual and innovative approach to the Nature 2000 network, as well as photographs of the systems and forms that occur naturally in the environment, macro photography and photographs from the air.
The contest supports Radio Zet journalist Beata Pawlikowska, which appreciate the beauty of Polish Nature.
The partners of the contest are:
- Polish Nature Photographers Association,
- Radio Zet,
- National Geographic Poland.
The second meeting of the Cooperation Forum for the Nature 2000 network.
On 5th July was the second meeting of the Cooperation Forum for the Nature 2000 network at the headquarters of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw.
General Directorate of Environmental Protection was represented by the Head of the Department of Projects and the National Network: "Partnership: Environment for Development" Agnieszka Zdanowska and project management team, including Project Manager Dominika Bagińska, Coordinator Małgorzata Szalast-Piwińska and Project Specialist Dominika Sobieraj-Pilniewicz.
The meeting was attended by representatives of non-governmental organizations already operating in the Forum and representatives of newly admitted to membership.
Meeting was opened by the Head of the Department of Projects and the National Network: "Partnership: Environment for Development" by giving participants the appointment to participate in the Cooperation Forum for the Nature 2000 network. Then presents the results and recommendations of the evaluation ex ante, planned tasks of the mediation, the action plans have already been implemented and a summary of the project activities. In the course of discussion Forum members commented on the results of studies on individual regions, the areas where they operate, and also presented the position of their involvement.
The meeting ended declaration of cooperation and commitment of the members and the activities of the non-governmental organizations which they represent, planned in the project, especially in the set up of the natural working groups and ongoing mediation.
Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
The board of admissions for recruitment to the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network in the project National information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature" met on 3th July.
Assessed by the Commission subject to all forms.
The verification of applications, for compliance with the Regulations, the qualified Cooperation Forum, the following non-governmental organizations:
1 Association "Pro Carpathia" from Rzeszów
2 Association "Partnership for Krajna and Pałuki" from Nakło nad Notecią
3 Polish Society of Wildlife Friends "pro Natura" from Wrocław
4 Polish Green Lungs Foundation of Białystok.
Organizations will be invited to participate in the Second Meeting of the Forum for Cooperation for the Nature 2000 network.
Congratulations to all members!
We also encourage non-governmental organizations active in the broader conservation and environmental education, including the Nature 2000 network to collaborate and submit their application forms to participate in the Forum.
Polish wonders
The next edition of the "Seven new wonders of the Poland" plebiscite, organized by the National Geographic Traveler magazine has just began.
This year, for a place on the podium is seeking 16 Nature 2000 areas of all Polish provinces. Vote and decide which three of them will become on the "green" podium! The idea behind the poll is to select the most interesting, beautiful and still poorly known natural places in Poland.
In this year's third edition of the poll there's an additional category called - "Nature" in which will be selected the most beautiful areas of Nature 2000 in Poland. You can vote until 30 September 2013, by sending a text massage (SMS). All participants will receive a voting guide to the areas nominated in the category "Nature". Current results of the voting will be announced in the "National Geographic Traveler" magazine and via internet - website
For more information about the poll, the nominated areas and all voting rules can be found on the webpage and in the "Contests".
We invite you to vote and choose the most beautiful areas of Nature 2000 in Poland!
Pricing recogniotion
Pricing recognition to provide food and waiter service participants of the second day meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network.
More information can be found
Cancellation of the pricing specification
Cancellation of the pricing recognition to provide food and waiter service participants of the second meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network
More information can be found
Public procurement -creation and realization of direct information and promotion campaiqn project entitled.: National information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature" co-financed by the Financial Instrument LIFE + and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management
More information can be found:
Pricing specification
Pricing recognition to provide food and waiter service participants of the second meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network.
More information can be found:
Public procurement - choice of the Mediator
More information can be found:
Ex-ante evaluation of the Life project
The ex-ante evaluation was to assess the impact of the project on the level of knowledge and awareness (especially in the Nature 2000 network) among the general public.
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Recruitment to the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
All interested are invited to get acquainted with the Rules of the Cooperation Forum and fill the Application Form.
All materials are available in the Cooperation Forum - Rules and application webpage.
Price research
Price research to provide legal support in copyright and property rights.
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Changes in the Rules of the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
In response of the of non-governmental organizations expectations we have made changes to the Rules of the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network.
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Meeting of the Steering Committee for the project National awareness raising campaign "Discover you Nature"
In the headquarters of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw in 1th of March was a first meeting of the Steering Committee for the project National awareness raising campaign "Discover you Nature".
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First meeting of the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
General Directorate for Environmental Protection in Warsaw hosted the first meeting of the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network.
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Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network
The board of admissions for recruitment to the Cooperation Forum for the Natura 2000 network in the project National information and promotion campaign "Discover Your Nature". The Commision met on 27th February.
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LIFE+ Information Day
General Directorate of Environment participated in the LIFE + Information Day organized by the National Fund. The conference was organized on 21th February at the Hotel Gromada in Warsaw.
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Price research
Pricing research to provide food and waiter service participants of the first day meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network.
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Cancellation of the price research
Cancellation of the pricing research to provide food and waiter service participants of the first day meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network
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19.02.2013Evaluation of the project
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Pricing research
Pricing research to provide food and waiter service participants of the first day meeting Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network
Extending the deadline for applications to participate in the Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network.
The deadline for applications to participate in the Forum Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network in the project LIFE+ "Discover Your Nature" has been extended to 15th February.
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Offer for NGOS
We are waiting for the notification of non-governmental organizations interested in cooperation with the General Directorate for Environmental Protection for Natura 2000 network, wildlife conservation and environmental education. We invite you to participate in the Cooperation Forum of Natura 2000 network and national events.
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GDEP selected contractor for public procurement number 65/GDOŚ/2012 A study of ex ante evaluation of the project.
In the case of the Polish government the best example is the city of Bydgoszcz, which together with partners from Italy and Spain implement carbon dioxide emission reduction.
Warmest wishes for the coming Christmas, may this time will be full of joy and happiness and all the best for New 2013 Year
fot.: Piotr Rojek
Public procurement
Public procurement number 65/GDOŚ/2012 A study of ex ante evaluation of the project.
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Price research
Diagnosis price for the acquisition, development, production or co-production of program material intended for the radio emission, and the purchase of air time on the radio.
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