Discover your Nature - News 2014
30.12.2014 r.
Report about 5 local events!
In cold and snowy days, let's go back to solar and hot summers. Take a look at a summary of the material all the local events that took place in the framework of the campaign "Discover your Nature".
Magical infomercial promoting Natura 2000!
The infomercial promoting Natura 2000 is part of the campaign "Discover your Nature", implemented by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection. The aim of the campaign is to promote knowledge and share experiences on the coexistence of man and valuable, endangered plant and animal species and natural habitats in Natura 2000 areas.
You can watch the infomercial on TVP 1 and TVP 2 and TVP Kultura.
You can watch it on
"Young Nature Oxford Debates"!
The first stage of the competition, "Young Nature Oxford Debates" has been resolved!
The Commission has listed eight out (including one conditionally) of the all application forms.
For the grand prize will compete teams of students who made a most interesting outlines Oxford debate about the European Ecological Network Natura 2000. The list of schools is available on
In the second stage of the competition, which runs until 30 November 2014., students will carry out the task of Oxford debate and prepare written and photographic report. Bonus points will be available for coverage.
Good luck to all teams!
A report from the Family Picnic "Port Nature"
During the event, there was also the fifth and last edition of the contest for the Best Nature 2000 Local Product.
Campaigns Ambassador, Andrzej Piaseczny performed his concert. We invite you to watch the coverage on !
"Young Nature Oxford Debates"!
We wish you good ideas and relevant arguments!
Other terms relating to the conduct of the competition remain unchanged.
More information about the contest can be found .
Contest for the Best Natura 2000 Local Product has been resolved!
The aim of the contest was to select the top 3 producers of local products from 5 Natura 2000 areas covered by the project activities within the framework of the campaign "Discover your Nature".
List of successful candidates is available on the
Congratulations to the winners!
LIFE Communication Platform meeting in Kraków
On 13-14 October 2014 in Kraków will take a place LIFE + platform meeting. Meeting is dedicated to LIFE + program beneficiaries. In meeting will take a part INF LIFE projects representatives of many countries of the European Union, inter alia, Romania, Spain, Italy, Greece, UK and Polish. Main goal of the meeting is to exchange experiences and views between pursuing public often similar purposes related to the effective implementation of EU law, conservation and sustainable development in Natura 2000 areas in different parts of the continent, with different conditions, not only natural, but also socio-economic.
Co-organizer of the meeting is the Foundation for Support of Environmental Initiatives who run the project "NATURA mission".
"In search of Nature 2000" competition for students
"In search of Nature 2000" contest has just began! Main goal is to build environmental awareness and encourage young people to deepen their knowledge of the Natura 2000 sites in Poland.
The competition is directed in particular to students of journalism and life sciences. However to report to work may anyone who is interested in the preservation of nature and would like to check own writer's workshop - the only requirement is to study at university.
The task is to prepare material promoting the idea of environmental protection in the European ecological network Natura 2000. Articles should contain from 3000 to 5000 characters with spaces, audio-visual material should last up to 5 minutes.
The works can be submitted until 30 November 2014. The contest is scheduled for December 2014. The winning entries will be selected by the Competition Commission, which includes, among others, representatives of the General Directorate of Environmental Protection. For winners we have financial award.
The media patrons of the competition are portals: and
Last weekend gave us a lot of expression! We took a part in two events in Malopolska region. We spent Saturday in Limanowa, and on Sunday we visited the Łącka residents. Glam Movie Premiere "City 44" was held on Saturday, September 20, at the Limanowa's House of Culture. Production was established on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. The movie shows young people struggle in capital war-torn. Therefore it is not surprising that the session attracted mainly young people, who as eagerly peered into the stand of our campaign. The representatives of the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Kraków prepared special folders containing information on the natural values of Malopolska region. Traditionally, you could try your hand at interactive quizzes and music videos.
A day later, on Sunday, September 21, we took a part in the Festival in Łąck. During this annual event, held many attractions - including presentations of products manufactured with local apples and local bands.
Meetings in Limanowa and Łąck end the cycle of local events organized in the Malopolska region.
We invite you to Pulawy in 28th of September, where Andrzej Piaseczny give his last concert!
„Young Nature Oxford Debates"
Next competition "Young Nature Oxford Debates" has just began! The main goal of this debates is promoting pro-ecological young people creation and endangered plant and animal species of protected areas of Nature 2000 in Poland.
This competition is aimed to all secondary school students, especially for those who are interested in conservation and want to take a part in substantive discussion about Nature 2000 network.
Each school may take a part in the competition with teams (11 person) which include students and the teacher acting as the group leader. The competition is divided into two stages. In the first stage the participants must prepare an outline of Oxford debate, including the thesis proposal and written grounds for a decision. The debate is concern Natura 2000. Debates outlines can be submitted until 17 October 2014. Only 10 best teams will be invited to the second stage. The main goal of this stage will be a debate and preparation of written and photographic relation of this debate. Extra points will be available for short movie documentation of these discussion.
The result of competition will be in December 2014.
Winning team will be chosen by the Competition Commission which will include among others representatives of the General Directorate of Environmental Protection. Partners of this competition is portal.
Competition "Where is the Bear?"
Welcome to the "Where is the Bear?" competition. We organized the competition in cooperation with Radio Zet, which is project media sponsor.
At the end of the summer we shooted "For years" music video. The song promote the campaign "Discover your Nature". "For years" was a radio stations summer hit. It was also very popular at the Andrzej Piaseczny concerts organized in 5 Natura 2000 areas.
Right now we invite you to play "Where is the Bear?" competition.
Find the bear, who took part in the music video. For those who correctly set a second, in which appears the bear, we have very attractive prizes - the disc with the song "For years" signed by Ambassador Andrzej Piaseczny.
Terms and details about the competition are available on the website of Radio Zet .
We also encourage you to watch the clip and stop the memories of a carefree summer time!
Discover Nature in Stróżewo
We spent the first Sunday of the Semptember in Stróżewo - Wielkopolska region. We attended the spectacular event Harvest Festival in Stróżewo. The Harvest Festival are regular event organized by the residents of the Chodzież municipality. This year event was in Stróżewo. There was a lot of attractions - including harvest festival procession and dances.
Visitors eagerly peering into the tent of our campaign, reaching for the guides and folders containing information on the natural values of Wielkopolska region. In addition, mediation team encouraged local residents to attend the meetings of the Natural Working Groups and fill an anonymous questionnaire, which examines opinions on the functioning of the European Ecological Network Natura 2000. Traditionally, you could take a part in quizzes and contests with prizes. A great interest was also an exhibition of photographs of themost beautiful areas of Natura 2000 in Poland.
Competition for journalists "Traces of Natura 2000"
The "Traces of Natura 2000" competition has just began! The mail goal of this competition is to revisiting the issue of the protection of biodiversity and valuable and endangered species of plants and animals and habitats found in the Natura 2000. The competition is dedicated to environmental protection journalist, whose written in the national and regional media and professional press. In competition may take a part not only professional journalist but also person concerned with citizen journalism.
The competition task is to prepare the material promoting the idea of environmental protection in the European Ecological Network Natura 2000 in one of two categories. The first is dedicated to the professional journalists of newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations and Internet portals. The second category is for those who are not professional journalists, practicing so. citizen journalism. Submissions may include any number of works of the author's published or issued to the media, in the case of the second category of citizen journalism portals (eg. Wiadomoś,,,, in the period from 1 January 2014. until 31 October 2014. Journalists can also submit works prepared specially for the contest, unpublished or previously unissued in the media.
Materials in both categories can be submitted until 31 October 2014. The contest is scheduled for November this year. The winning entries will be selected by the Competition Commission, which includes, among others, representatives of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection.
Competition partner is the Club of the Environment Publicists "EKOS '.
Days of Limanowa report
We invite you to watch report from the event Days of Limanowa 2014, which took place during the fourth concert of the Ambassador of the campaign. Among variety of activities preceding the concert, such as dance shows, theater performances for children and fireworks, there were also the stand of our campaign. Traditionally, green tent visitors can get a lot of interesting information about the Natura 2000 network, in particular the areas located in the Małopolska region.
The event was held on the fourth edition of the contest for the Best Local Product from Natura 2000 area. Among the delicacies include Męciński Bread baked by Halina and Marek Piwowar, suska sechlońska Fruit and Vegetable Producers Association in Ujanowice and honey-nectar of the Pines Apiary. The most votes received Raising Sheep's cheese and thus took first place in the Małopolska contest edition.
In the evening was Andrzej Piaseczny concert. We encourage you to watch the documentary on YouTube.
A music video to promote the campaign!
The "For years" song's video, promoting the campaign "Discover your Nature" was founded on the Natura 2000 - Przełom Wisły w Małopolsce. The video shows a happy young people surrounded by natural beauty and rare species of animals. In the recording were 12 actors and Andrzej Piaseczny, Ambassador campaign.
The single "For years" accompanied by the "Discover your Nature" campaign. The song is already a summer smash hit on the radio, and Andrzej Piaseczny it also performs live during a concert organized as part of the campaign to 5 Natura 2000 areas.
On the set involving 12 actors, used 4 types of cameras, and watched over the production of the 50-man team. Photos lasted a total of 27 hours. The video was directed by Magdalena Targosz, photos, made Konrad Spyra, and for the creation and production corresponded Factory Communication.
We invite you to watch video on website!
A lot of attractions in Limanowa
Last Sunday, 17 of August we spent time in Beskid Wyspowy. We participated in the annual event Days of Limanowa. During this event Andrzej Piaseczny performed his concert. Days of Limanowa is two-days event which year after year attracts residents of the city and other towns of the Community of Limanowa. There were a lot of attractions like local talent shows, dance shows, theater performances for children and a fireworks show.
Once again the tent of "Discover Your Nature" campaign enjoyed high popularity. There were waiting conests with prizes, quizzes, interactive videos and photographic exhibition with the most beautiful areas of Nature 2000 in Poland. Additionally, the Regional Directorate of Environmental Protection in Kraków. Prepared special local folders and guides dedicated to bats - the flying mammals, large numbers living in the Beskid Wyspowy. There were lot of information about the customs and protection these remarkable animals.
During the event was also held the fourth edition of the Best Local Product from Natura 200 area contest. As usual strong feelings accompanied by Andrzej Piaseczny concert. Lot of fans greeted Andrzej Piaseczny very hot, singing with him his songs. Campaign song "For years" was singing too.
Another Andrzej Piaseczny concert will be on September 28 at the Family Picnic in Puławy - Lublin region.
Festival of Hops in Rogów
Last Sunday, August 10, the third time we visited the Lublin region. This time we took part in the Festival of Hops in Rogów. Festival of Hops is a regular event organized by the Association of Women "Rogowianki." Party, as every year, accompanied by spectacular attractions - including performances by local bands and fireworks. Was also selected Miss Hops and winners of the competitions for the best dish and harvest wreath with the addition of hops.
Our booth stood in the center of these exciting events. Participants visited the Festival of Hops keen green tent, reaching for the folders and leaflets. Representatives of the Regional Environmental in Lublin helpful guides prepared containing guidelines on, inter alia, economic activities in protected areas. Traditionally, you could try your hand at an interactive music video, quizzes and contests with prizes. A great interest was also an exhibition of photographs winners of "The most beautiful area of Natura 2000 in Poland," which has long been accompanied by our booth.
Already on Sunday our tent will move to Małopolska. We will host a party Days of Limanowa.
Watch our film of the Day of Narwia
Do you remember the event in Narew with Andrzej Piaseczny concert? We invite you to watch a short documentary! Among the various activities prior to the concert Ambassador of the campaign, such as concerts Polish and Belarussian teams, sports and shows Volunteer Fire Departments, there were also the stand of the campaign "Discover your Nature." Attendees eagerly visited our green tent, which in addition to substantive discussions on the natural wealth of Podlasie were also held quizzes and fun for kids.
The Narew held the third edition of the competition for the Best Local Product. Among the delicacies that you could try include, among others natural honey and bee products from the Apiary "Apisfera" made bread Agrotouristic Suszczy Borek Farms and Organic Tea Company Białowieska fleece. Most votes won attendees tomatoes of different varieties Specialist Horticulture Farm "ANWIT", becoming the winner of Podlasie edition.
However, the main attraction of the event was the Andrzej Piaseczny evening concert.
Watch the film on YouTube
Visiting the Bieszczady Mountains
First weekend of August we took part in two regional events Bieszczady. Saturday we spent in Czarna, while on Sunday we visited the residents of Lesko.
"Summer in Czarna" is a regular local event aimed at promoting the municipality and the Bieszczady region. As every year, the organizers have prepared many attractions - including performances by bands, stalls of handicrafts of local artists and eurobunge.
Visitors also eagerly peering into the tent of our campaign and reach for folders information about Natura 2000 representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów prepared for taking part in competitions unique prize - a book about the Natura 2000 on Podkarpacie, disposable raincoats for the trip to the mountains, reflective bracelets and wooden pens.
A day later, on Sunday, August 3, we took part in the Fair Crafts, Entrepreneurship and Forestry "AGROBIESZCZADY 2014." For a party slammed the crowds of exhibitors, not only from Podkarpacie, but the whole Polish. You could enjoy the exhibition include tractors, lumberjack competitions and taste the local traditional delicacies. considerable interest both locals and tourists also enjoyed our booth. and this time, representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów did not disappoint - for taking part in competitions waited attractive gadgets. Traditionally, you could also try your hand at the interactive quizzes and videos.
Meetings in Czarna and Lesko were already planned in the last of the Podkarpacie region. This weekend, August 10th, welcome to the province of Lublin on the Feast of Hops in Rogów!
Discover your Nature in Narew
Last Saturday, July 26, once again we had the pleasure to host green Podlasie. We participated in the annual event Days of Narew, where a concert performed by Andrzej Piaseczny.
Days of Narew is flagship event of Narew, which each year is visited by over a thousand participants. Feast has many attractions such as concerts Polish and Belarussian teams, sports and shows Volunteer Fire Brigades.
Our stand was found in the very center of these unusual events. Participants Days of Narew willingly visited green tent, which in addition to substantive discussions on the natural wealth of Podlasie were also held quizzes and fun for kids. For taking part in our competitions Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bialystok has provided an attractive and valuable prizes - photo albums "Nature around me" and multimedia presentations "Natura 2000 in Podlaskie region." A great interest was specially prepared maps Podlaskie which are marked protected species.
The biggest excitement was accompanied by Andrzej Piaseczny evening concert. Artist as always greeted crowds of loyal fans. The artist could not miss the song "For years", which has become increasingly popular among participants in local meetings.
Another concert Ambassador of campaign will take place in the Malopolska, August 17, during the Days of Limanowa.
Coverage of the Inauguration of Solina Summer 2014
Watch our short film of the Inauguration of Solina Summer 2014 in Polańczyk, where was the second concert of the Ambassador of the campaign.
Among the variety of activities preceding the concert, such as sports tournaments, dance contests and games, there were also the stand of our campaign. Traditionally, green tent visitors can get a lot of interesting information about the Natura 2000 network, in particular the areas located in the Subcarpathian region.
The event was held on the second edition of the competition for the Best Local Product. Most votes received flower honey from Beekeeping Farm Piotr Wojtanowski and thus took first place in subcarpathian edition.
Watch our short film.
Magic Kupała Night
Last Saturday, July 19, the third time we stayed in the Podlasie region. This time we had the pleasure to participate in an extraordinary event - Kupała Night in Dubicze Cerkiewne!
The event was accompanied by spectacular rites and rituals - dancing girls around the campfire and letting wreaths on the river.. According to tradition, St John omens had to provide love, health and fertility. Among other attractions will also feature live bands from Polish and Ukraine, and stand with various handicrafts - dishes, jewelry, costumes and decorations.
Our booth stood above the flood on the river Orlanka, in the center of these extraordinary events. In addition, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Bialystok prepared for visitors special map of the Podlaskie region marked Natura 2000. Visiting our tent was an opportunity for visitors to summarize the knowledge of the nature.
This Saturday, July 26th we will visit again in the green Podlasie. This time we will host the Narew during the annual event Days of Narew. The main attraction of the evening will be the performance of the Ambassador of the campaign "Discover your Nature" - Andrzej Piaseczny!
We shoot music video promoting the campaign!
Very soon we are going to show the video for the song "For years", which accompanies the campaign. Photos to Andrzej Piaseczny clip were filmed in the area of Natura 2000, surrounded by beautiful nature and animals.
On the set with the participation of 12 actors used 4 types of cameras, and watched over the production of the 50-man team. Photos lasted two days - from dawn to dusk - a total of 27 hours. Special effects, which accompanied the work of filmmakers are primarily mosquitoes and warm sunshine. We can also tell that the video is directed by Magdalena Targosz images by Konrad Spyra, and for the creation and production corresponds Fabryka Komunikacji Społecznej.
The result of a busy weekend you will see soon.
Weekend in Bieszczady Mountains
We spend last weekend in Bieszczady. In Saturday we took a part in magnificent action - Fair Horse in Lutowiska. In Sunday we were in Polańczyk, where performed Andrzej Piaseczny.
Fair Horse in Lutowiska are organized every year on the first weekend of July. Among the characteristic of the event activities such as parades or demonstrations of cowboy horses, stood out our booth. For taking part in competitions representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Rzeszów prepared a book on Natura 2000 sites in the Subcarpathian region, disposable raincoats and glare. Visitors can also took part in the discussion about nature protection in the area of Bieszczady Mountains.
On Sunday, our green tent stood in Polańczyk. We participated in the inauguration of the Solina Years 2014.
The program includes sports tournaments, contests, dance parties and numerous concerts.
There was also a second edition of the contest for the Best Local Area Product from Nature 2000 area. The program contains sampling. Visitors willingly tasted the products, and then evaluated them in the polls. most votes received flower honey from Beekeeping Farm Peter Wojtanowskiego and thus took first place in the competition.
However, the main attraction was the Andrzej Piaseczny evening concert. For artist waiting crowds of fans with banners. The audience enthusiastically recepted caimpaign song.
Next event with Ambassador of the campaign will take place July 26 during the Days of the Narew.
Local meeting at the Mount Paproć
Last Sunday, June 29, was the first of the planned local meetings in Małopolska. We had the opportunity to take part in the opening of the Tourist Season on Limanowa region. Our booth stood on the summit of Mount Paproć (645 m asl).
The participants willingly stopped at the booth, where they were prepared for them information leaflets and maps of Natura 2000 proved very popular also an exhibition of photographs of winners of the Photo Contest for the most beautiful area of Natura 2000 in Poland. The youngest took part in interactive quizzes and video.
For all visitors questions answer representatives of the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow. A key topic of conversation was the protection of bats, including setting up nesting boxes.
The next meeting of the local in the Małopolska region is scheduled for August 16 at the event Tastes The Carpathians. The campaign will visit the inhabitants of the Carpathians region next weekend - July 5 will be at the Fair Horse in Lutowiska, and July 6 in Polańczyk will perform Andrzej Piaseczny!
Life's information day
On 1 July, a unique opportunity to get more information about LIFE. The conference will be devoted to projects financed by EU's financial instrument LIFE + and the exchange of experiences between the beneficiaries of the program and its potential applicants.
More information can be found at
Ekofilm winners
Today ended up Ekofilm Festival. Ekofilm passed by 2014 in two categories of Ekofilm, which competed videos on the subject of ecology and protection of the environment and Natura 2000, intended for films presenting animals and birds species protected under the Natura 2000 network. The Patron of Natura 2000 category was General Directorate for Environmental Protection. To participate in the work of the creators of the film in both the reported movement of amateur and professionals. In this year's competition was attended by more than thirty films.
During a gala at the Festival were awarded the creators of the best films. Awards in the category of Natura 2000 at the hands of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection Michał Kiełsznia received the 1st place-Marta Kądziela for the film "Hot and dry" in the series Saved the world, which was developed within the framework of the Coordination Centre's environmental projects Project LIFE "Protection of biodiversity in forest areas, including within the framework of the Natura 2000 network-the promotion of best practices". On behalf of Peter Adamskiego, Director of the Center for the coordination of environmental projects, diploma has received Deputy Krzysztof Przyborski. The winners of the jointly decided that the prize money, 14.000 zł, is designed for Anna Dymna's Foundation in spite of everything, that she appeared in the award-winning film, 2nd place-Marcin Krzyżański for the film "Warsaw Vistula River", 3rd place-Boguslaw Sępioł for the film "Over the river".
Local meeting in Białowieża and in Józefów nad Wisłą
On 17-18 may, took place following information meetings in the framework of the campaign "Discover your Nature". Representatives of the General Directorate for Environmental Protection visited the inhabitants of Bialowieza and Józefów nad Wisłą. Despite the variable weather campaign information stand enjoyed great interest. Both the feast of the orchards in Józefów, and night of museums in Bialowieza attracted crowds of visitors, very interesting with "Discover your Nature" tent. Visitors were able to learn more about the Natura 2000 areas, especially those areas in which the meeting was held in Bialowieza to the Białowieża Forest and in Józefów to turn of the Malopolska breakthrough Vistula River. They received a brochure and map. The biggest attraction for participants turned out to be a multimedia quizzes and music videos. The character dancing Lynx, Wolf and Falcon will be more than happy to be drafted into their younger participants, but there were also adult amateurs.
The organizers predicted for them a special keepsake in the form of plates with your recording. The other for participation in educational activities receive gadgets and single with the song "For years" campaign Ambassador-Andrzej Piasecznego. Traditionally, for children there is the drawing area and balloons.
These were the first of three briefings addressed directly to the residents of Natura 2000: Białowieża and Malopolska breakthrough Vistula River. The next is scheduled for May 24, during the feast of the wine in the Janowcu (Malopolska breakthrough Vistula River) and June 15 as part of a religious Family Picnic (Bialowieza Forest area).
Ekofilm 2014
Today, at 4.00 p.m. at Nowogard begins the 13th Nationwide and IX Maciej Łukowski International Festival of Environmental Films "Ekofilm". The event, whose partner is the General Directorate for Environmental Protection will last until May 23, 2014. The participants of the Festival has many attractions, for example film contest in the category of "Natura 2000" and a photo exhibition "The most beautiful areas of the Natura 2000".
The Festival will begin the openings of exhibitions "On the border between nature and civilization", and also the work reported to the competition poster for this year's Edition of the Festival.
The film will be presented in the contest almost 40 films that look at issues of ecology and environmental protection. Movies battle it out in two categories of the competition. One of these is the "Natura 2000", which hosts the General Directorate for Environmental Protection. In the program, prepared by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, the exhibition "The most beautiful areas of the Natura 2000" and the exposition devoted to the patron of the Festival, Maciej Łukowski, the current will be his wife and daughter, Anna and Catherine Łukowskie. During the Festival will be held also lectures, meetings and workshops related to nature and the wider ecology. Their topics will cover various aspects of greening your lifestyle-active and healthy recreation, nutrition, health, care for the environment, renewable energy sources.
One of the elements of the Festival Ekofilm will be EkoBazar - organic markets, which are proposed for all, which is not alien to the promotion of the idea of ecological and life in harmony with the environment. EkoBazar is the promotion of clean technologies related to recycling and the use of renewable energy sources, as well as the promotion and popularization of organic, natural food.
The Festival is accompanied by the action of "Rebuild dreams!", which is aimed at helping a shelter for homeless animals in Sosnowice. The aim of the action is mostly a collection of funds for the replacement of dog's kennel in a shelter, but are also collected food, leashes and collars.
Ekofilm ends in "Green Spoke" party addressed to two wheels funs. Bike rally will be held in the heart of the ancient wilderness, surrounded by oak and the Trzechelska Struga and Lakes, which are rich in flora and fauna.
Ekofilm partners are the Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, State forests, Regional Directorate of State forests in Szczecin, forest Nowogard, Association of municipalities-R-XXI, Nature protection League and the Association of engineers and technicians in wood and Forestry. Media patrons of the Festival are Radio ZET i Radio ZET Chilies. Honorary patron of the event was the Minister of the environment, and the Cup for best film contest he founded the President of the Republic of Poland, Bronislaw Komorowski.
First local meeting in Minikow - Nakło nad Notecią
"Discover Your Nature" campaign first local meeting was held in Minikow. During the Summer fair General Directorate for Environmental Protection representatives met with the inhabitants of Minikowa. It was the first local meeting dedicated directly to the residents of the protected areas. Promotion and information activities on the stand campaign held contests and animations on Natura 2000 using multimedia techniques for children and adults. The inhabitants of Minikowa participated in the quizzes, polls, while children can draw a protected species. Everyone involved in the competitions receive single with the song "For years" campaign Ambassador-Andrzej Piaseczny and information materials on the Natura 2000 area - Central Valley Noteci and the Bydgoski Canal. The next scheduled meeting in the Central Valley nad Bydgoski Canal will be on 14 June in Bydgoszcz during "The rudder on the Bydgoszcz" party, on September 6 in Stróżewo and May 30 in Szamocin, where during the Szamocińskie Days of music concert will be held by Andrzej Piasecznego.
From May to September 2014, in selected locations on the Nature 2000 areas, will be held 15 information meetings and 5 local events. The meetings and events will promote the Nature 2000 network as an additional opportunity for the municipality and its inhabitants. The event star will be Ambassador of the campaign - Andrzej Piaseczny. During each event with special stands will be provided information on the Natura 2000 areas and about the project. They will be equipped with multimedia features-plasma screens that will display photos and videos. Children will have fun in the form of actiities and workshops. The participants of the events will receive a special campaigns gifts.
More details of the campaign are available on the website: and Facebook: .
The „Nature 2000 and my region nature" art competition has just began
For more information about the contest,terms and conditions can be found at
Andrzej Piaseczny support Discover your Nature campaign
Andrzej Piaseczny, well known Polish artist became Ambassador of the Discover your Nature campaign. Especially for this occasion he prepared campaign song "For years".
Andrzej Piaseczny said - "This campaign is my contribution to preserving what we have, our precious natural heritage. For us and for future generations. People say that nature is the kingdom of silence. For me it's the enormity of the sounds. The most beautiful music in the world".
The song " For years" was composed by Seweryn Krajewski and was written by Andrzej Piaseczny.
Andrzej Piaseczny invites everyone to join in the project "Discover your Nature", listen to their voices, learn its melody. Let it be with us for years".
Andrzej Piaseczny debuted in 1992 as the lead singer of the group MAFIA from Kielce. In 1996, he began a solo career and to this day he is one of the most popular and recognizable Polish singer. He has over 2 million sold CDs. He is a laureate of a lot of awards, as well as the music industry (Fryderyk Award for best singer, Amber Nightingale) and audience (for example Super Singles, Telekamera, Victor).
"Discover your Nature" conference
Director General of Environmental Protection Mr Michał Kiełsznia with the Chief Nature Conservator Mr Janusz Zaleski opened conference of the campaign "Discover your Nature" project. The campaign is a part of a project implemented with funding from the financial instrument LIFE + and by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
This campaign is focused at the promotion of potential Nature 2000 network as an additional opportunities for the municipality and its inhabitants Informational and educational activities planned for the end of 2014. Mr Andrzej Piaseczny, well know nPolish artist, was appoint of project Ambassador.
More information about the conference and a photo gallery can be found
International competition of a natural scientific movies - next edition
To 28 March will be recruted videos and photos to the contests organized as a part of Ekofilm - Maciej Lutowski International Film Festival and the National Ecological.
To 15 March 2014 will be recruted festival poster. Event will be held in Nowogard 19-23 May 2014.
To participate in the festival videos can be reported by the amateurs and professionals. In this year movies will be judged in two categories: " Ekofilm " and "Nature 2000". In the first category may participate films devoted to the problems of ecology and environmental protection , which shall not exceed 50 minutes. The second category , " Nature 2000 ", is designed for short and medium-length films depicting animals and birds protected under the Nature 2000 network and presenting the beauty of nature and biodiversity in Nature 2000 areas. General Director for Environmental Protection is patron of this category.
More information about the festival can be found: /ProjectCategories/viewSingleNews/7943/2/0/Kolejna_edycja_miedzynarodowego_konkursu_filmow_przyrodniczych