You have right to the effective protection of nature- the campaign just started
We protect wild nature together. This is the message of the educational campaign: You have right to the effective protection of nature, prepared by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection. The main goal is to build social awareness about the most common situations where nature protection is not obeyed and to educate people on how to react when they notice violations. The campaign spreads awareness about nature protection law and how its breaking is punished. The educational video spots will be broadcasted online on social media and inside of public transport vehicles in Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Wroclaw, Poznan and Trojmiasto. The spots present the most common situations of non-compliance with nature protection law that happen during renovation, construction and conservation work, such as cutting down trees and insulating buildings. The campaign will last till the end of November 2020.
The project, realized since 2016, includes pieces of training for law enforcement, judicial authorities and non-governmental organizations that have environmental protection in their statute. The pieces of training concern the provisions of nature protection. There are also e-learning courses and materials promoting knowledge of nature protection law published, including the pieces of information about Nature2000. All of those activities goal is to increase the effectiveness of law enforcement in the field of crimes and offences.
Project LIFE15 GIE / PL / 000758 You have right to effective protection of nature is financed by the LIFE Program and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.