Glossary in the field of legal protection of nature dedicated to the judicial authorities and law enforcement authorities
One of the main objectives of the project LIFE15 GIE/PL/000758 You have right to effective protection of nature was to create a glossary. The glossary has been published by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection in November 2018. The aim of the glossary is to raise awareness on nature protection among the judicial authorities and law enforcement authorities.
The glossary provides 9 definitions of nature protection (cliff, forest, wetland, bird breeding season, oxbow lake, buffer strip, reservoir, land use change and terrain distortion).
The main polish legal act concerning nature conservation is the Act of 16 April 2004 on the Nature Conservation. The Nature Conservation Act does not give a precise definitions of the listened terms. For this reason correct interpretation of terms mentioned above may be difficult for the judicial authorities and law enforcement and may be interpreted in many different ways by stakeholders involved in nature protection processes. The definitions have been developed on the basis of law procedures driven by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection and Regional Directorates for Environmental Protection. In addition, the publication includes examples of judgement of the administrative and common courts. links to Geoserwis website and photos.
Proper classification of crimes against nature by the law enforcement authorities and the judicial authorities as well as legal expertise protection of environment and nature is required for efficiency of procedures. The glossary is valuable source of information for the judicial authorities and law enforcement during chain of custody procedures as well as judgement. It will be helpful in interpretation and enforcement law.